

Sunday 4 May 2014

Our Sunday

Hello everyone,

Well its another bank holiday weekend AND it appears to be nice weather YAY! 

Today we had a bit of a lazy Sunday. We headed to a car-boot sale this morning and had a stroll round (well I mostly waddled lol) and managed to pick up a few bits for James including a new board game, a pack of plastic animals and insects and a Scooby Doo and batman dvd and it came to under £5! BARGAIN! 

(with his goodies from the car-boot sale)

Then James had a party at a local softplay for one of his friends for nursery. We then headed home for lunch and thought we would sit outside and enjoy the nice warm weather! 

James wanted to find some insects, He seems to be really into finding bugs and insects and spiders lately which is great as it has given us a chance to teach him a little about them and he has been so interested. 

We found a ladybird and a woodlouse and looked at them under a glass bowl before putting them back in the grass!

After that we headed to a local park for a run around to try and wear off some of that endless energy James seems to always have lol!! 

What have you been up to this weekend? 



  1. Sounds like your having a fun filled weekend! We had a cricket day yesterday, shopping and relaxing today :-)

  2. What a busy fun packed day you have had.Its great the weather has been dry too.

  3. Sounds like a great day :)

    Chloe @ bethbear2011.blogspot.co.uk

  4. Aw what a fab family packed weekend!!
    Love the insect discovering!!
    Fab post hun :)
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

  5. Looks like you had a lovely bank holiday :) I had a family BBQ over the bank holiday weekend.


  6. Looks like you all had a great time!! For the first time in a very long time we had a quiet weekend of just playing with the boys in the garden and seeing friends, the good weather was an added bonus xx

  7. Fab pictures :D It looks like you had a fab day (how nice was the weather this bank hol)?

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper | An Undomestic Goddess

  8. busy weekend! We spent Saturday on our allotment - eldest planted his potatoes, and the little two dug Important Holes. Sunday we went Geocaching and Monday we went to a pirate day at a castle.

  9. Who doesn't love a good car boot! haha! I love your photos and do you know I've yet to see a ladybird yet? Unsure where all of ours are as they are clearly still in hiding, lol! Great post & photos hun, thanks so much for linking up #MMWBH xx
