

Saturday 22 February 2014

We are moving home!

So as if being 6 months pregnant, sick and achy wasn't quite enough stress right now we are actually going to be moving home very soon! 

We actually currently rent and after 5 years here, raising our beautiful little boy, the landlord has decided to sell up and we will be moving on (but still living in the same area etc). As exciting as it is to start a new part of our family adventure, whilst I am say here surrounded by moving boxes and duct tape I am beginning to wonder if it will all be worth it?.  Of course there's always an easier way of moving a new house, and if you hire this moving company that's located in the UK, you can get lots of help with the packing eliminating some of the stress and worry associated with moving home. Or at least  delegate some of the packing, I had no idea just how much "stuff" we have acquired over the 5 years we have been here. If you are similar to us I would definitely recommend finding local removal companies who can help you and make the move easier for the whole family. 

However we can;t wait to get into our new home, its bigger than our current home giving the kids more space to play and a bigger bedroom plus we will be able to decorate (something we weren't allowed to do in our current home). The landlady seems so lovely and it all about us making it "our home" rather than a house we rent which is so refreshing and lovely to know. I am also glad we will be all moved in and settled before number 2 comes along! I might even have some time to create a bit of a nursery area for little one which is something I didn't get the chance to do for James. 

As we are still in the same area we also don;t have to worry about schools, nursery or visiting family etc as are still in the same area so all of our choices are still the same, if anything we will actually be closer to all the things above which will be helpful. 

I also have to keep reminding myself that I am pregnant as I am so desperate to just get everything done I have been lugging around boxes and hauling things around only to have an achy back and neck come the evening. I am most looking forward to having everything moved in and sitting down enjoying our new space, and of course bringing our new little baby home there too. 

So as we prepare for the big move, many more hospital appointments and lots of sorting I may not be online very much. However I will update when I can, especially over on social media as I can mostly do this from my phone. Plus once our internet is properly up and running I will be back online, showing you around our new home and providing lots more content so keep an eye out for that. 

If you have any top tips for moving home then please do feel free to share them in the comments below too as I will be checking in on them and could use all the help and tips we can get. 



  1. Glad you've found somewhere hun, and you can decorate to make it more your own home. We're still looking but can stay where we are until after our holiday which is a relief. Good luck with everything next weekend xx

  2. Good luck with the move and happy decorating. :D

  3. Good luck with it all! It'll be nice to be in a house you can make home :)

  4. Moving house is always so stressful... I hope everything goes well and it will be as "painless" experience as possible.

  5. goodluck, once youre in the house allthe fun begins

  6. Good luck with it, sit on your hands and supply the workers with tea. Looking forward to hearing all about it soon. xx

  7. Hope all went to plan & you've moved. I'm sure you have boxes everywhere and you're wondering if you will ever get the place sorted out!! We moved 2 years ago and I vowed never again lol. Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home :)
