

Thursday 13 February 2014

First swimming lesson!

Today James had his first swimming lesson. He has been on the waiting list for a few months so he was very excited when we got the call a few weeks ago and he learned he had a space in the next term of swimming lessons. 

James was so excited that every day he asked if today was swimming today and hasn't stopped bouncing off the walls since.

The lessons James will be attending are 25 minutes long (this may not sound like long but it was plenty long enough for a 4 year old once they were in the pool and splashing around non stop!)
Parents were aloud to watch on the side of the pool with the class being split in to 3 small groups of 4 children with a designated teacher in the water for each group. Meaning that as the groups were small each child got plenty of help and attention and of course swimming time! 

James had a fantastic time at his first lesson! He even managed to swim a width of the pool using just a swimming noodle so he was rather impressed with himself! 

James is attending swimming lessons at our local leisure centre which is part of the Active group of leisure centre's. The lessons cost £49.50 for 10 lessons spread over 10 weeks. Which I thought was a very reasonable price, after all swimming is a skill that is not only fun but could one day save your life. 

Here is James all ready for his first lesson! 

Do any of your children do any sports or leisure activities or part of any clubs they really enjoy?



  1. Potato absolutely loves swimming too and we've been going since he was 5 months old. I'm really looking forward to starting some ball or athletic based sport with him over the summer too

  2. My son won't go anywhere near a swimming pool. I long for the day that he does without screaming blue murder!

  3. My daughter has started swimming and she is loving it .x

  4. Football... girls football I may add :-)

  5. Swimming lessons - How exciting! My little lady enjoys her ballet dancing lesson.
