

Sunday 6 October 2013

Sorry Ive been quiet

Hello everyone,
Sorry I have been a little quiet I have had a busy week/weekend and have only just had the chance to catch up on here!
Well on Friday I went to the first school opening day. I was so sad inside thinking in September my little boy was going to be heading to school! It felt like such a big daunting task choosing a school for him but attending open days really does help.
The school was lovely a few little niggling issues however I am not sure whether I am maybe looking for issues just because I don't want my baby heading to any school lol!!
Then Saturday James went to the toy shop with nanny and grampy. He goes every other Saturday and nanny and grampy come and pick him up from our house and take him to the local shopping centre where he picks out a few new toys then goes back to there house for a little while to visit the cats and dogs! He loves going and always waits at the window for them to pull up on a Saturday lol!
He especially loves helping grampy clean the motorbike when he goes back to there house. Grampy lets him sit on the bike and polish the top!
Here he is sitting on the motorbike with Nanny and Grampy! Bit to young to ride yet though James although James would be riding along with grampy now if he could lol!!
Sunday we had a party to attend so in the morning we had a quick trip to the tip to get rid of some rubbish in our garden. Then James helped clean out Greg the guinea pig and then we got ready to go to the party.
The party was at our local soft play and James had lots of fun running round with all the other kids and then tucking into his party bag afterwards!
So we had a very busy weekend!!
What have you been up to this weekend?


  1. I've mostly been running errands this weekend. Hopefully I'll find time to just relax.

  2. Does sound like a pretty busy but fun weekend. I just relaxed all weekend. Tried to catch up on blog posts but that didn't happen. Not with a sick toddler in the house.

  3. Sounds like you had a fun, busy weekend. Ours was the same, 2 birthday parties that my daughter had the best time at.

  4. You had a very busy weekend, I didn't do much, just stayed home and on sunday went to church!

  5. =D Sounds like you were pretty busy this weekend!! But seems like you had fun which is the point right?
