

Friday 27 September 2013

School already!?!

Hello everyone,
James will be 4 next month and I really cant believe it! He still seems like my tiny little baby sometimes.
James attends nursery several times and a week and I think I am only just getting used to not having him home all the time. Then it hits me, I start seeing all these advertisements for school open days and it dawns on me that these open days are for James! My tiny little baby next year will be heading off into the big wide world of school!!
I have to admit I am petrified of James going to school he seems so little and still my baby although I have to admit id probably think he was still my baby at 13 lol. I feel so much pressure making sure I pick the right school for him and then there's the stress of waiting for the form back to see if they even get there first choice of school.
As a first time mum these are all firsts for me and its so daunting I often wonder if I am doing it right or if  I am making the right choices for James future. 
How did you find it sending your little ones of for school for the first time?


  1. Awwww! I am 27 and my mom still calls me her baby, that never goes away I am sure♥

  2. Aw! He'll be fine, and you know it! hehe.
    Tristan is a July baby, so one of the youngest, and he's doing well xxx

  3. Aw! It's definitely hard sending your baby off to school! It was easy for is to pick our oldest sons preschool because his dad and uncles all went to the one at their church so we enrolled him in that and it was great for him! I agree, doesn't matter how old they are, they're always your baby!

  4. Mine will be heading to school next year too! My how time flies doesn't it!

  5. I feel the same way! Last month when I saw all the Back to school stuff and teary eyed mamas I started thinking of my little ones going and i got sad. awwww

  6. Enjoy it while you can, they grow up awful darn fast. We dropped my youngest off for her first year of college in August so our house is on the empty side right now.

  7. I have a 3year old & I don't wanna send him off either! I cried when my now 7 year old went to kindergarten. He rode the bus & I cried watching him leave. lol.

  8. OH how I understand!! My son started school this year and he cried and it broke my heart!!!

  9. I have a few years before my little one starts school but I don't want to think about it. I remember when my son started, we both cried that first day but by day 3 he was over it and I was still sad. You'll both be great!

  10. OMG I was freaking out at first but luckily he did great and I was worried for nothing. We usually tend to over think these things and in the end it all works out.
